The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Thursday, July 27, 2006


In reading over the bill of rights and the constitution this morning, a few things about the President of the United States occur to me. One such item is the President of the US must leave behind his or her state infused ideologies in order to rise to the occasion of understanding and knowing where to lead the entire nation of 50 states.

Not just the few large and mature states (California, Texas, Illinois, New York) nor must he/she curry favor with the smaller (population wise) states (Rhode Island, Hawaii, Montana or Utah)at the expense of the entire nation.

Today much of our success and future growth in the US depends on how we relate with the rest of the world. The ideas of life, liberty and the pusrsuit of happiness apply to all of the races of the world who continue to come the US to become educated, seek clean water and a untainted food supply, seek health care for their families and exercise their right to own and maintain property which includes their own business.

The president has an awesome responsibility to balance the freedoms that are allowed locally while working with the US's foreign policy that is some times at odds with the values and activities of the citizens of the US.

The American people need to be more careful I think in understanding these rights and freedoms that are allowed to them by these sacred documents. They need to be more aware of who they allow to occupy the office of the President and how it effects the world they live in. For who they vote into office of the president will effect the growth towards chaos or towards harmony in the world as well as the US.

More and more each day it is imperative that the President of the United States must see an increasingly bigger picture of where and how the US will continue its growth and helping others achieve freedom, peace and prosperity. In doing so the president must be able to put aside his or her previous private pursuits or projects and focus on leading the entire nation as well as the world to a higher place.

This means putting someone into the office of President who will not use the power of the position to service his or her own private interests or that of a specific group or individual industry. To do so is beyond treason.

There is no accommodation or amendment in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution that addresses this notion of what in short is the highjacking of the government to serve private and individual interests. Therefore "We the People" must be sharp enough to realize what we have in the US, and not let it be taken away from us.

In paticular is this line from the US Constitution...

"No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay."

I think we as a nation are paying the price right now for this egregious violation of this constitutional amendment.

Goddamned Texans!

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Moto GP at Laguna Seca.

So I drove by the race this morning on my way out of Monterey. I just wanted to check the scene and see what was there. On the way into the race track at Fort Ord, the local race organizers had all of the motorcycle traffic use Reservation Road to the east of the track to separate cars from motorcycle fans.

Motorcycles were everywhere and the vibe was injected with anticipation for a day of racing. I'll definitely be back next year for the whole experience.
Moto GP

Laguna Seca 06

Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm back in the saddle....agian.

Just returned from my mechanic where my VFR was being repaired after my crash several weeks ago.

Now that I have my first crash, ensuing insurance company debacle and subsequent recuperation, I can say that I am a wiser rider now. My cred is real from here on out.

As I took my motorcycle through its paces in the Presideo, I felt my mojo return to previous levels, but with a new little voice inside my head saying to "slow down" and "be more careful and alert." My moron radar has just been upgraded as well to look out for the other drivers who are oblivious to us two wheeled types.

Crashing, repairing and working the system in California is indeed a minefield and a very large headache. None the less, I navigated my way through the process and am now back to normalcy. I just have to receive my bonus check from State Farm and then battle once more with Ca DMV to register my now "salvaged" motorcylce. Ptssss!

Just in time too, as I plan my next summer odyssey back east next month...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The women I love...

Blogger will only let me love 9 women at a time...There are more.

Stinson Beach

Taking the day off at Stinson Beach...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Laughing at service disdainers....

It seems that there is an overabundance of those that think they deserve a certain high service level when they are out in the marketplace spending their money.

It could be at a restaurant, the dry cleaners, the mail and packaging store, the physician or even the bank.

There is prevailing mentality today that says, "I have money so I deserve service according to my standards." Now granted there are certain individuals who hate their jobs in the service sector flipping burgers, problem solving cell phone issues as well as folding sweaters at Neiman Marcus. These people are meant to be read properly and handled with care in order to escape with your desired purchase without a lot of confrontation and bad vibrations that can cause a scene. But it is those who think they are above the service sector work force that makes these people who work there hate their jobs, therefore deliver poor service.

A "service disdainer" is one who is always trying to correct the service levels that are delivered to them. They are bent on trying to customize their buying experience by telling the service rep how to do their job so that they can feel good about themselves being treated the right and proper way.

The reason I laugh at these people who generally cause the world of goods and services exchanges to be a much less desireable, is that they look so stupid trying to tell someone in public that they would like their ass kissed as well as more ice tea "when it is convenient."

These service disdainers look for people who are not properly trained or are having a bad day at their job in order to satisfy their ego and delusionally thinking that they are going to receive better service if they condescend their server or sales person.

The situation is laughable to watch unfold. It has become a modern form of entertainment to watch the so called "BMW driving prick" try and get a service level that makes them feel superior while their server is deliberately changing their behavior to anger their customer because of their attitude.

This is bad for business and it is bad for human relations, but it is good for free entertainment.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The future of world security...

This is a long post, so strap yourself in.

It appears that the current state of world security is in a chaotic state of flux and no one knows how or when things will improve. Both sides of the two party system in the "unUnited States" are at eachother's throats and the rest of the world is crumbling daily due to our lack of leadership in bringing peace to the world.

With daily bombings around the world carried out in a very nondescript fashion, and the media coverage that prevails now in the modern era we live in, everyone knows who is to blame and it is just a matter of understanding the politics of these groups that now run our government.

Unfortunately, the politics of the current US government is determined to carry out perpetual war as it feeds its private interests in oil and arms. This highjacking of the US government by greedy corporate interests is a sign of things to come. Creating war for them is big business. The more of it the bigger the profits.

In the United States the system of capitalism has been set up to reflect a relatively stable system in which to make a profit with the support and legitimacy of the legal system and highly sophisticated infrastructure for designing, developing and distributing the fruits of a capitalistic society (the manufacturing part of that statement is has now been removed). Many come to the US to become educated and make contacts in order to return to their native country to begin their own enterprise, or stay on and become an American citizen and live dream that is propagated through the media around the world of "freedom and individuality."

This system is in jeopardy now as the world is not only questioning the US and its actions, but it has learned enough of the US model to implement in their own native nations and thus are able to bypass the US all together now in transacting business and building their own economies.

So where am I going with this??

What I want to see happen is somewhat radical in its approach, but none the less, drastic circumstances call for drastic solutions. I think the solution lies in the systematic dismantling of "conventional" military solutions to world problems is at the heart of my proposal.

It appears that there is a certain political group in the US that has rose to power in the last 30 years exploiting and profiting from the growth of the oil and arms businesses, among others. They are fixated on solving problems that they are involved with by using conventional military solutions to force the opposition or enemy into a position of submission that serves their self interest. Making bold an coercive statements with the US foreign policy and then using the conventional military that is assigned to carry out that foreign policy is their strategy. Many of the businesses in the US that supply our war machine are under the wing of this group who now have the reigns of power in the US government and are able to improve and grow their business interests by creating more conventional war around the globe thus justifying more conventional military spending at the government levels.

It is really quite diabolical when you do the research.

My solution to this problem is to phase out the conventional military and dismantle the business infrastructure that supplies and profits from this strategy of perpetual war so as to continue their corporate profits and growth.

In place of a conventional security force that is trained to wear fatigues, drive camouflaging vehicles and eat food that comes from a can or vacuum sealed plastic bags, I propose the NSA and CIA divisions take the place of conventional soldiers.

Imagine a world where there is no more war "theatre" to cover for the daily news bits that we as citizens are forced to follow hoping to get an idea of where the worlds peace level is at. The fighting forces of tomorrow will be wearing Italian suits in Europe, turbans in the middle east, tshirts in California and sarongs in Indonesia. The systematic dismantling and changing the way groups or nations fight to resolve their issues needs to be changed, redirected and funded accordingly.

Conflicts among political groups will never end, but the way in which they resolve these conflicts can change. By training highly sophisticated government agents to carry out foreign policy without "invasion" by conventional means is the solution to world peace and prosperity.

It is a matter of creating and using stupid people who blindly follow facistic leaders who prey on their weaknesses for pride and respect of religion to carry out the governments wishes or creating and using smart independent American citizens who can drink tea in the deserts of Saudi Arabia or eat fish brains in Shanghai, China, speak 5 to 6 languages and understand the history and culture of all the worlds nations in order to respect them and work together to protect one another in this world.

Replacing fatigued batallions with individual and highly trained business men and women who are on the US payroll, will end this stupidity that the US is currently spewing and bring the world back to peace and prosperity for all and not just the gun dealers and oil barons. Think of all of the !@#$! money spent on boots, helmets, bullets, RPGs, shoulder fired missiles, tanks, military designed computer hardware and software not to mention tools, nuts, bolts training facilities, military bases, infrastructure and those horrible MREs that probably have stuff in them that causes insanity to those who eat them.

Drop the uneducated uniformed soldier from the Pentagon's budget and create and fund the PhD, MBA worldclass athlete instead. The future of world security, growth and prosperity hang in the balance.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Daily barometer reading

It is an awesome day today!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The sound and appearance of stupidity..

It is our generalizations that make us sound and appear ignorant and stupid. Failing to analyze and discuss the minutiae of things allows for quick judgments which then lead to generalized conclusions of things. From there stupidity follows.

Monday, July 03, 2006

This is why I love San Francsico...

SF jazz

Jacqui Naylor and friends storm the Fillmore.

Last weekend was the annual Filmore Jazz Festval. It is an opportunity to get out into the sunshine and soak up some smooth sounds and zesty treats.

The transformation of Fillmore Street is wonderful as it is turned into a market complete with entertainment, food and drink as well as areas to relax and enjoy the scenery and music.

As I left the scene after catching the last set of Jacqui Naylor and her band of musicians, I felt uplifted in a way that only San Francsico can deliver.