The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Thursday, July 27, 2006


In reading over the bill of rights and the constitution this morning, a few things about the President of the United States occur to me. One such item is the President of the US must leave behind his or her state infused ideologies in order to rise to the occasion of understanding and knowing where to lead the entire nation of 50 states.

Not just the few large and mature states (California, Texas, Illinois, New York) nor must he/she curry favor with the smaller (population wise) states (Rhode Island, Hawaii, Montana or Utah)at the expense of the entire nation.

Today much of our success and future growth in the US depends on how we relate with the rest of the world. The ideas of life, liberty and the pusrsuit of happiness apply to all of the races of the world who continue to come the US to become educated, seek clean water and a untainted food supply, seek health care for their families and exercise their right to own and maintain property which includes their own business.

The president has an awesome responsibility to balance the freedoms that are allowed locally while working with the US's foreign policy that is some times at odds with the values and activities of the citizens of the US.

The American people need to be more careful I think in understanding these rights and freedoms that are allowed to them by these sacred documents. They need to be more aware of who they allow to occupy the office of the President and how it effects the world they live in. For who they vote into office of the president will effect the growth towards chaos or towards harmony in the world as well as the US.

More and more each day it is imperative that the President of the United States must see an increasingly bigger picture of where and how the US will continue its growth and helping others achieve freedom, peace and prosperity. In doing so the president must be able to put aside his or her previous private pursuits or projects and focus on leading the entire nation as well as the world to a higher place.

This means putting someone into the office of President who will not use the power of the position to service his or her own private interests or that of a specific group or individual industry. To do so is beyond treason.

There is no accommodation or amendment in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution that addresses this notion of what in short is the highjacking of the government to serve private and individual interests. Therefore "We the People" must be sharp enough to realize what we have in the US, and not let it be taken away from us.

In paticular is this line from the US Constitution...

"No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay."

I think we as a nation are paying the price right now for this egregious violation of this constitutional amendment.

Goddamned Texans!


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