The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Friday, July 14, 2006

Laughing at service disdainers....

It seems that there is an overabundance of those that think they deserve a certain high service level when they are out in the marketplace spending their money.

It could be at a restaurant, the dry cleaners, the mail and packaging store, the physician or even the bank.

There is prevailing mentality today that says, "I have money so I deserve service according to my standards." Now granted there are certain individuals who hate their jobs in the service sector flipping burgers, problem solving cell phone issues as well as folding sweaters at Neiman Marcus. These people are meant to be read properly and handled with care in order to escape with your desired purchase without a lot of confrontation and bad vibrations that can cause a scene. But it is those who think they are above the service sector work force that makes these people who work there hate their jobs, therefore deliver poor service.

A "service disdainer" is one who is always trying to correct the service levels that are delivered to them. They are bent on trying to customize their buying experience by telling the service rep how to do their job so that they can feel good about themselves being treated the right and proper way.

The reason I laugh at these people who generally cause the world of goods and services exchanges to be a much less desireable, is that they look so stupid trying to tell someone in public that they would like their ass kissed as well as more ice tea "when it is convenient."

These service disdainers look for people who are not properly trained or are having a bad day at their job in order to satisfy their ego and delusionally thinking that they are going to receive better service if they condescend their server or sales person.

The situation is laughable to watch unfold. It has become a modern form of entertainment to watch the so called "BMW driving prick" try and get a service level that makes them feel superior while their server is deliberately changing their behavior to anger their customer because of their attitude.

This is bad for business and it is bad for human relations, but it is good for free entertainment.


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