The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Saturday, June 24, 2006

On being "Net Limited"

In today's world of mass internet activity, more and more of our lives and who we are as individuals are residing on the web. This comes as a distinct disadvantage to our social skills that we are used to using when interacting with others.

Banking, shopping, entertainment, communication, creativity, social relationships and yes... even sex are now managed online. So it is this new phenomenon or state of being that is indeed making itself known to me.

Being "Net Limited" is the narrow view of knowing only how to interact with others via the web. Gone are the skills to introduce oneself face to face and generate an opinion about someone based on "live" in the flesh back and forth conversation.

An example of this played itself out the other night. I was attending an industry cocktail party where I was sipping wine and meeting new people. Some I knew from past project collaborations and many I was able to introduce myself to and gather information the old fashion way. Many I observed had the distinct pretense of asking my name and then referring to their database of online experiences to see if that bit of data "pinged" within their sphere of information. If they had not seen my name online and read about my work or endeavors then they were at a disadvantage to come up with conversation items that made them appear intelligent or knowledgeable. For it is the questions we ask that make us appear intelligent and well informed.

This is a growing phenomenon where people are getting to know one another via the internet and then are losing the skills to glean information and present themselves in live real time. Everything "live" is being verified based on internet intelligence gathering beforehand. In short it is limiting the ways in which we as humans interact and exchange information with one another.

Having a "net limited" outlook is indeed dangerous and will only expose oneself to whom you interact with on the web. Interpersonal exchanges with grocery clerks, police officers, land lords, coffee barristas, sales people, repair technicians and other assorted people that are necessary to interact with in order to not only run but grow our lives are necessary for successful living.

On the flip side, if you have done nothing to educate yourself and keep up with internet technology, then you are doomed to using just cash to transact your business, selling your labour to make a living, limiting your pool of new relationships that can enrich your life as well as heaping enormous amounts of frustration on yourself as a result.

Being "Net Limited" has a darkside if not balanced with skills that allow communication with the rest of the world...Banging a keyboard will never replace pressing the flesh.


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