The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The future of world security...

This is a long post, so strap yourself in.

It appears that the current state of world security is in a chaotic state of flux and no one knows how or when things will improve. Both sides of the two party system in the "unUnited States" are at eachother's throats and the rest of the world is crumbling daily due to our lack of leadership in bringing peace to the world.

With daily bombings around the world carried out in a very nondescript fashion, and the media coverage that prevails now in the modern era we live in, everyone knows who is to blame and it is just a matter of understanding the politics of these groups that now run our government.

Unfortunately, the politics of the current US government is determined to carry out perpetual war as it feeds its private interests in oil and arms. This highjacking of the US government by greedy corporate interests is a sign of things to come. Creating war for them is big business. The more of it the bigger the profits.

In the United States the system of capitalism has been set up to reflect a relatively stable system in which to make a profit with the support and legitimacy of the legal system and highly sophisticated infrastructure for designing, developing and distributing the fruits of a capitalistic society (the manufacturing part of that statement is has now been removed). Many come to the US to become educated and make contacts in order to return to their native country to begin their own enterprise, or stay on and become an American citizen and live dream that is propagated through the media around the world of "freedom and individuality."

This system is in jeopardy now as the world is not only questioning the US and its actions, but it has learned enough of the US model to implement in their own native nations and thus are able to bypass the US all together now in transacting business and building their own economies.

So where am I going with this??

What I want to see happen is somewhat radical in its approach, but none the less, drastic circumstances call for drastic solutions. I think the solution lies in the systematic dismantling of "conventional" military solutions to world problems is at the heart of my proposal.

It appears that there is a certain political group in the US that has rose to power in the last 30 years exploiting and profiting from the growth of the oil and arms businesses, among others. They are fixated on solving problems that they are involved with by using conventional military solutions to force the opposition or enemy into a position of submission that serves their self interest. Making bold an coercive statements with the US foreign policy and then using the conventional military that is assigned to carry out that foreign policy is their strategy. Many of the businesses in the US that supply our war machine are under the wing of this group who now have the reigns of power in the US government and are able to improve and grow their business interests by creating more conventional war around the globe thus justifying more conventional military spending at the government levels.

It is really quite diabolical when you do the research.

My solution to this problem is to phase out the conventional military and dismantle the business infrastructure that supplies and profits from this strategy of perpetual war so as to continue their corporate profits and growth.

In place of a conventional security force that is trained to wear fatigues, drive camouflaging vehicles and eat food that comes from a can or vacuum sealed plastic bags, I propose the NSA and CIA divisions take the place of conventional soldiers.

Imagine a world where there is no more war "theatre" to cover for the daily news bits that we as citizens are forced to follow hoping to get an idea of where the worlds peace level is at. The fighting forces of tomorrow will be wearing Italian suits in Europe, turbans in the middle east, tshirts in California and sarongs in Indonesia. The systematic dismantling and changing the way groups or nations fight to resolve their issues needs to be changed, redirected and funded accordingly.

Conflicts among political groups will never end, but the way in which they resolve these conflicts can change. By training highly sophisticated government agents to carry out foreign policy without "invasion" by conventional means is the solution to world peace and prosperity.

It is a matter of creating and using stupid people who blindly follow facistic leaders who prey on their weaknesses for pride and respect of religion to carry out the governments wishes or creating and using smart independent American citizens who can drink tea in the deserts of Saudi Arabia or eat fish brains in Shanghai, China, speak 5 to 6 languages and understand the history and culture of all the worlds nations in order to respect them and work together to protect one another in this world.

Replacing fatigued batallions with individual and highly trained business men and women who are on the US payroll, will end this stupidity that the US is currently spewing and bring the world back to peace and prosperity for all and not just the gun dealers and oil barons. Think of all of the !@#$! money spent on boots, helmets, bullets, RPGs, shoulder fired missiles, tanks, military designed computer hardware and software not to mention tools, nuts, bolts training facilities, military bases, infrastructure and those horrible MREs that probably have stuff in them that causes insanity to those who eat them.

Drop the uneducated uniformed soldier from the Pentagon's budget and create and fund the PhD, MBA worldclass athlete instead. The future of world security, growth and prosperity hang in the balance.


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