The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Why California???

So I've lived in this rather peculiar state of California for some time now....

This introductory greeting is for those new to my blog. I've posted it with the date December 31st, in order to keep it at the very top of my blog entries for new readers. For those of you who are regular readers, contributors, lurkers, and voyeurs continue on down past this entry for the most recent views, opinion and occasional comments....

We are a republic here in California. That fact did not mean anything to me when I arrived many years ago. But, to know that we are a self sustaining tribe out here on the west coast explains a lot when you wonder why California is so unique. You want almonds....just drive to the central valley. Need a small countries infrastructure modernized or built from scratch, just give Bechtel in San Francisco a call. Need some ballistic missiles to go with that new country, email Northrop Grumman or Hughes down in Los Angeles. Need some internet technologies that will vault your business into the next millennium, head over to Silicon valley and have a lunch on University Avenue in Palo Alto. Oil? Need oil, we got that too. Gobs of it. We can prospect for it, drill for it, transfer it, refine it and turn it into a bazillion other products with our refining capacity.

All those wonks back east are all following their tails around in circles. I feel for them as they are unable to really know what it means to exercise 100% of American freedom on a day to day basis. Here in California we push the envelope on freedom each day. Its hard to describe, but it sure feels nice.

I've lived and traveled the world over, lived in many of the United States and have visited all 50 states except Mississippi, Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii and the Carolinas. So I know how special California is. From golfing in Indio, racing across the Mojave desert at 130 mph, surfing in LA, the design community in the Silicon Valley to the San Francisco Ballet, scuba diving in Monterey, wine and spas in Napa, snowboarding in Tahoe, fishing on the Klamath River in Eureka, panning for gold in Sonora or climbing Mt. Shasta we got it all. Oh! and don't for get the fabulous food.

Having it all shapes our politics and our views. We are different, we are crazy and we are more sane than the rest of the world out here in California. So bookmark my blog...and let me know from time to time if your infuriated, jealous, curious, disgusted, intrigued or elated to know more about my views and opinion from the state of California...