The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The Neo-con agenda is dead!

Yesterday the United States clearly sent a message to the current administration that they want changes, and they want them now!

This morning's headlines carried the news of Rumsfeld stepping aside so that yet another one of GW's pals can step into fill of the position of heading the most well funded military in the world. Another Texan will fill the post of SecDef.....Grrrrr!

I am optomistic that with a new Speaker of the house in Nancy Pelosi, there will be some return to bi-partisan efforts to bring the nation forward into a future that includes: fiscal responsibility, a reigned in foreign policy and a focus on the US's role in the balance of power in the world.

The US clearly has an opportunity to shift its prorities and take a step forward into a future of new prosperity and peace. After we extract ourselves from Iraq of course. The sooner the better.

Mark my words....executive pay will become come front and center as an issue that drives much of the new direction if it is so deemed. Get ready to share the wealth you greedy CEOs.

Fantasy thought....
Perhaps there will be legislation discussed and ratified by the new regime that allows the US government to default on all of the federal reserve loans it has taken out to finance the Iraq war. Wouldn't that be a poetic justice...The US government using its power to leave the fed bankers holding the bag on the wasted war....teehee. I know far fetched, but knowing my tax dollars will only go to pay interest on the debt GWB has racked up for the rest of my natural life seems a bit disconcerting.


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