The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Film review...

So I saw the film Jesus Camp yesterday.

This documentary looks at how the rise of the evangelical movement has effected the teaching of children at a summer religious camp in the state of North Dakota. Made by Hedi Ewing and Rachel Grady, this film looks into the world of how a few American children in North Dakota, Missouri, and Colorado are being raised to become spiritiual warriors for Jesus Christ.

I have a problem with what this film has captured, and am very glad that it was created and is now being distributed for viewing. It illustrated just how much America has changed for the worse, has not learned from history and how the future might get darker if repeated. From the mouths of 5 year old children to the war front in Iraq, this film exposes reasons why the US is careening down a path to destroying itself.

The film raised large contrasts to the youth that I experienced while growing up in the US. The camps I attended both secular and religious, did not teach militant ideas and were not into proselytizing or brain washing me into thinking a certain way in order to advance a set of political values.

In the film, the denial of basic known precepts by the camp and church leaders in science, religion, education, politics and economics were astounding to me. So very different than the ideas that I have come to know as truth or fact.

I saw the systematic twisting of the truth as I know it to be, into a ideology that supports hatred, fanaticism, irrationality, intolerance and complete and utter ignorance for the world around them. All done so in response to a perceived threat overseas where the Muslim population who is supposedly teaching its children to do the same to the US. "You're either with us or agianst us" could be an alternative title to this film.

So what this film points out is that we have now in this world, two VERY SMALL groups of fanatical religious zealots who are training their children to annihilate one another in the future. These 2 groups beleive they have in place the politicians on both sides that support their agenda of war, hatred, intolerance, ignorance, zealotry and militantcy, leaving the rest of us to sit and watch the destruction of the world transpire.

I find it extremely tragic for these children who are being literally brainwashed into supporting the platform and ideas of the modern day Hitler inspired Neo-Nazi like behaving radicals that are the main characters in this film. They are using their own children as well as others to bring and end to the world because of their tragic misinterpretation of what it is to follow the Christian faith and a belief system that represents the idea of God which in essence is love and not hate.

By the way, the name of the leader of the Jesus Camp is Becky Fischer. Fischer is a name whos etymology originates in the nation of Germany. Also lookup etymologies of Rumsfeld (Donald), Wolfowitz (Paul), Perle (Richard), Strauss (Leo) and of course Bush (George W).

Now connect the dots....


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