The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Man the lifeboats!!! The United States is leaking...

If it isn't the CIA report about the spread and growth of Jihad due to the Iraq war, then it was the leak caused by Guidant and Abbott Labs over the deal to buy Guidant way from Boston Scientific. If not the board of Hewlett Packard leaking info through its recently departed chairwoman, then it is the Bush administration leaking the identity of our own CIA operative Valerie Plame.

The United States has adopted and implemented a new strategy in Machiavellian tactics from the boardroom to the oval office. Today we are a culture obsessed with keeping secrets from each other, only to strategically leak information very carefully out to the public in order to ruin people's careers and spin the facts to support our particular cause.

The media is in league with executives and polititians in order to spin the public about who is rating out who in order to keep the Presidents poll numbers from rising or sinking.

We are a divided nation hell bent on rooting out the enemy which in many cases in our own selves, and exposing them to the public media in order to demonize those that disagree with our cause or ideas.

Hugo Chavez thought he was merely stating the facts when he was standing at the rostrum at the UN last week. In reality he was leaking a whole vat of spin that many have not had the proper vernacular to understand at after 6 years of chaos in the world. There was no call to some obscure reporter at the New York Times or Fox news. He just bypassed all of that secrecy and blasted his strategy from the podium at the United Nations.

You may think that this is nothing new if you are a student of political science. Then again, you may think that each new fall season brings the same forecasts for a long winter.

Either way, we have to look at ourselves in the mirror each day and see if the image we see is doing something good or doing something evil that day.


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