The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Monday, September 04, 2006

America's Polygamy problem

It is rather ironic that in my return to California I traveled through Utah.

Lately the media is filled with stories of this Warren Jeffs character who is presumed to have organized many such teenage marriages as well as allegedly fathered over 75 children himself in numerous marriages to women.

I must say that although the scenery of Utah is some of the most beautiful I have ever scene, the place definitely has an eerie vibe to it because of the people there.

Case in point, I was in need of some breakfast as I was nearing Provo, Utah yesterday and eyed a sign for a diner along highway 6. I decided to stop and see if I could find a some needed fuel for my body.

As soon as I walked in my radar when crazy as I saw what was my first taste of Mormon style living. A dining area that was also part of the hap hazard retail area. Over half of the 8 or so uncleared tables had meals half eaten by customers who had left. There were numerous children ranging from ages 2 to 4 running around the place yelling and screaming. There also were numerous signs indicating that restrooms were for paying customers only. (there were no homeless people in this rural region) Needless to say I gave this establishment a miss.

Later on down the road, I stopped at yet another diner for my breakfast and my radar readings were confirmed yet again. Although this place was much cleaner and more organized, the same scene prevailed. Loads of young children yelling and screaming. Each young white couple was accompanied by at least 2 children and some had as many as 4. No couples, no other ethnicities besides Caucasian, no seniors and no friends out for Sunday brunch together.

My scratching the surface in Utah brings me to the conclusion that there is something definitely wrong going on in Utah...


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