The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Web 3.0

It can be argued that web 2.0 will bring the coming of the social networking of the internet. Where read only markup language will give way to user generated content and ubiquity of broadband will permeate everywhere in society. Jane meets Jintek using, myspace or YouTube, they agree to work together, agreeing to utilize the power of the web as they are 7000 miles apart. The project is such a success they decide to become romantically linked in a relationship despite the distance that separates them. This is web 2.0.

Well as far as I am concerned, web 2.0 is already here and the beginning of the end has started. One of the hall marks of the maturity of the web 3.0 era will be when you ask a younger person than yourself, "How large is your hard drive?" The answer will be, " I have never had a hard drive. Everything I have ever created, captured, shared and stored is online." Information will become more 3D in is presentation and the tangible quality of data will continue to mature in the 3.0 era.

Imagine being able to know exactly how many gallons of gasoline you have purchased in your lifetime at any given time of the day. Personal data matrices will allow such "conciousness driven" data bases to exist to let us know how much of the world we are consuming in order to exist on the planet. Exactly how many more calories will I burn if I run just one more block, or exactly how much intelligence did I just lose by being out late last night drinking with my coworkers? These questions and others will be able to be immediately answered in the web 3.0 era.

When you look at your wardrobe and get that all familiar "I need new clothes" feeling, all you will have to do is click "buy" and new wardrobe choices will be sent to you via the mail the next day because of the running and stored selections you have been making online everyday, but were not just ready to buy yet.

Web 3.0 will build on top of the sophisticated social interaction that has been built during the web 2.0 period. It will be smarter, more anticipatory and more efficient as all of our choices, emotions and ideas will be digital first before they become tangible.


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