The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Self imposed exile

So I have made the decision to again take on expatriate status, move myself overseas and open an office for my business to seek opportunity and career advancement, let alone the pursuit of happiness.

I have been an expatriate before while living and working in Singapore during the financial crisis of the late 1990's. This time I will be more of an political exile. I will maintain my US passport and keep my main corporate offices in the US, but will not be seeking any US revenue generating projects that will be subjected to tax that will go to fund such creations as the War on Terror of support further the treasonous Bush administration.

Due to the policy and decision making of the current US government, I am forced to make economic, moral and business judgments now that leave me no options to remain in the US. I will continue to grow my business and live a life seeking liberty and the pursuit of happiness outside of the US. I refuse to allow my tax dollars to fund the current government's strategy to create perpetual war in order to generate profits that fuel their thirst for the domination of the middle east. This conspiracy to high jack the US government and use my military to carry out the wishes of a few delusional criminals is beyond the pale of rationality.

I voted for the pullout of our military in the elections last November 2006, have written letters to my congressman communicating my opposition to the growing militarism in the US, made and uploaded videos protesting the war to subscribers of my videos, done exhaustive research into the motivations of the current war effort by the Bush administration that have proven to be beyond high treason, as well as marched in the many peace rallies that have occurred on the streets of San Francisco in the past few years. All this has not effected the momentum of war and is only producing more plans for more wars.

So I must leave my country now in order to survive. I am not with "them" I am against "them". For it is clear that "they" have taken over my nation and have successfully perverted its values and ideals that allow for someone who plays by the rules to exist freely and honestly. I will remain a watchful hawk in my new home overseas, and do what I can to effect change from there. This is no April fools joke...

May god bless the United States of America and its honest tax paying citizens who are forced to support murderous fascist war criminals.


  • At Tue Oct 30, 07:27:00 PM 2007, Blogger Will said…

    Wow. So you moved to Shanghai!? You should perhaps reevaluate your reasons for leaving, or at least your reasons for moving to a country where due process before the law is a mirage even in the face of such gross due process violations as Guantanamo.


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