The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Web 3.0

It can be argued that web 2.0 will bring the coming of the social networking of the internet. Where read only markup language will give way to user generated content and ubiquity of broadband will permeate everywhere in society. Jane meets Jintek using, myspace or YouTube, they agree to work together, agreeing to utilize the power of the web as they are 7000 miles apart. The project is such a success they decide to become romantically linked in a relationship despite the distance that separates them. This is web 2.0.

Well as far as I am concerned, web 2.0 is already here and the beginning of the end has started. One of the hall marks of the maturity of the web 3.0 era will be when you ask a younger person than yourself, "How large is your hard drive?" The answer will be, " I have never had a hard drive. Everything I have ever created, captured, shared and stored is online." Information will become more 3D in is presentation and the tangible quality of data will continue to mature in the 3.0 era.

Imagine being able to know exactly how many gallons of gasoline you have purchased in your lifetime at any given time of the day. Personal data matrices will allow such "conciousness driven" data bases to exist to let us know how much of the world we are consuming in order to exist on the planet. Exactly how many more calories will I burn if I run just one more block, or exactly how much intelligence did I just lose by being out late last night drinking with my coworkers? These questions and others will be able to be immediately answered in the web 3.0 era.

When you look at your wardrobe and get that all familiar "I need new clothes" feeling, all you will have to do is click "buy" and new wardrobe choices will be sent to you via the mail the next day because of the running and stored selections you have been making online everyday, but were not just ready to buy yet.

Web 3.0 will build on top of the sophisticated social interaction that has been built during the web 2.0 period. It will be smarter, more anticipatory and more efficient as all of our choices, emotions and ideas will be digital first before they become tangible.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

JROTC in San Francisco

The San Francisco Board of Education is currently in the throws of eliminating the JROTC program from its schools. Many are coming out against the organization as a recruitment tool and indoctrination organization that turns people into monsters to do the bidding of the evil military industrial complex.

This is a small action agaist the current momentum in our society of militarism that is destroying our democracy and efforts to spread security, stability, peace and prosperity around the world. I for one am in full support of such an elimination of program that turns the nations young people into fodder for the military industrial complex that values corporate profits and greed over the growth of democracy and benign market economic forces at the expense of innocent youths. In seeing such support, I recall a scene while I was living in Singapore that foreshadowed my strong opinion on this subject.

It was a Saturday afternoon and the media had been reporting all week long the arrival of the US Navy into port from manuvres in the South China Sea. I did not quite know what this meant for the streets of Orchard road and the hustle, and bustle of weekend consumers and citizens of the tiny nation state. What I saw shocked me and made me embarrased to be a US citizen.

As I strolled down Orchard Road browsing the storefronts, numerous young (19-23 year old) faces past me by speaking english with an american accent. I soon became obvious to me that these new faces belonged to the US Navy sailors, as they looked out of place amoungst the high end shops and malls that catered to tourists and local consumers. I soon approached a set of stairs that led up to the entrance to an air-conditioned shopping mall. To my dismay was a young Navy sailor passed out and drunk on the steps clearly blocking the way for others to ascend the steps into the mall. I immediately became aware of this sailors state of intoxication as I observed his mouth open, eyes closed and his pants unzipped exposing himself. His pants were also stained with urine that he obvioulsly had not had the coherence to properly discard in a proper restroom and without control, just let fly leaving his pants clearly advertising the fact that he had just pissed in his pants with out even knowing it. There he was, on display like a museum exhibit, for everone who passed by to see as they went about their shopping. This advertisment for the US military immediately sent me into shock.

I was immediately embarrased to be a US citizen. Something up until that point in time had never felt. To come to realize that this is what the face of the US military was presenting to the world made me sick to my stomach and put me into a state of shock for the rest of the afternoon. If there was anything that I could have done to prevent this scene as a US citizen I would have done so tight then and there, but to no avail I was at a loss for words or actions.

So now as we address our role in the world as a hegemonic, greedy, ignorant and war mongering nation, we now have an opportunity to reduce the influence of the beast that is destroying the mission of the United States. Eliminating the source of recruitment for the military is just the beginning of advancement into the future to create dignity and respect the US should be known for by the rest of the world...

So I say to the Haliburtons, the Boeings, The FedExs, the Littons, The Raythons, The McDonell Douglas', the Textrons and all of the othe MIC corporations that seek no-limit contracts at the expense of the US citizens, go get your own !@#$%! militaries to protect your greedy interests around the world and leave the United States Military that is intended for the defense of a free democracy a alone!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Secrets to celebrating your own life...

To me....the very best libation is Bollinger from the Champagne region in France just east of Paris.

It is dry and crisp and carries with it a feeling of happiness that can improve your day and allow you to share your happiness with others.

Drinking champagne or even sparkling wine if it is of good quality, will indeed improve you enjoyment of life. It has that magical quality of celebration contained inside of it.

So the trick is to not just wait to drink it when there is something to celebrate, but drink it regularly in order to celebrate your own life and increase your level of happiness while sharing it with others.

Giving Bollinger as a gift will always put you in a good light as it is indeed like giving happiness in a bottle.


Get out there and celebrate your life. Find out what things have the ability to put a smile on your face and then keep a stock for drinking and sharing.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


It is difficult to appreciate life sometimes...

We get caught in our own ambition, our own problems, our own small world that revolves around us...We think if we don't continue to improve that we will be left out or left behind.

We stumble sometimes as humans. We look at people and we think of how they may benefit ourselves. We also look at people and think of how they might make our lives more difficult or challenging. We aim for improvement, but some how we miss the mark sometimes.

Looking for ways to appreciate life is actually one of the more difficult things to do and it must be a priority in life if we are to feel happy. Whether it is the quiet morning, or the train that you just caught on your way home. It could be the sunrise or the sunset. The smile on a young child's face, or the kind words of an older and more wiser person than yourself.

To look at your financial world after leaving the bank and realize that the guy on the street you just past by is in much more dire straits than you are. You wonder to yourself that maybe you are not so bad after all.

To look at a painting on the wall of a beautiful woman and feel the power that is all feminine is a form of appreciation. To truly appreciate that is to take that feeling out into the world and apply it to other women, looking for the same qualities that you saw in the painting on the wall.

Noticing the tiny creatures that land on our shirt sleeve for a breif rest, or watching a cargo ship slip on by ever slow slowly on its way to yet another destination. These are the things that can be seen on an everyday basis but go unnoticed.

Tuning your appreciation allows you to feel calm and happiness. Feeling calm and happiness gives you energy to share it with others. To do so creates more appreciation.

and that is someting the world needs more of each day....

Sunday, November 12, 2006

YouTube... latest web interest is the amusing

After spending much time getting to know some of the regular personailities that post videos, I have learned a few things. The production techniques used are quite far ranging in quality, and understanding the various ways people are using the site for fun, commerce, communication, self-expression and meeting new people are just beginning to be developed.

The accessibility that is now available to bypass the reality that traditional media attempts to get us to consume is amazing. It has everything I need from traditional media channels. News, opinion, scandal, entertainment, culture, language, politics, economics, sociology, psychology as well as others are all on demand by the user who sits in front of his or her montitor. (for some it is as addictive as heroin)

No commercials (not yet at least) and once you tune your "YTradar" to differentiate between the struggling actors who are posting mini YouTube dramas in between their real auditions in Los Angeles and those that are being as true to themselves as they can be, you can get the realness that is the human experience from all over the globe.

This "reality" that YouTube is offering is destine to change and influence traditional media and how it packages its content (in order to sell the products of its sponsors). Which will be exciting to watch as the big networks NBC, ABC, CBS and even cable channels are now scrambling to understand and change thier formats to get all of those eyeballs back to watching their sponsors.

YouTube is raw and it is real...

Soon we will be seeing big budgets being formed around YT targeted audiences and the current YouTube webiste will soon launch its second generation site design with much improved tools, navigation techniques and organization innovations. Currently there is much redundancy in accessing the channels one subscribes to and navigating around the entire site. Its almost as if it is still a work in progress mockup.

Big things are coming in media with this new site. I must have cut my television veiwing down to only a few hours now a week as a result.

Look out big media....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The Neo-con agenda is dead!

Yesterday the United States clearly sent a message to the current administration that they want changes, and they want them now!

This morning's headlines carried the news of Rumsfeld stepping aside so that yet another one of GW's pals can step into fill of the position of heading the most well funded military in the world. Another Texan will fill the post of SecDef.....Grrrrr!

I am optomistic that with a new Speaker of the house in Nancy Pelosi, there will be some return to bi-partisan efforts to bring the nation forward into a future that includes: fiscal responsibility, a reigned in foreign policy and a focus on the US's role in the balance of power in the world.

The US clearly has an opportunity to shift its prorities and take a step forward into a future of new prosperity and peace. After we extract ourselves from Iraq of course. The sooner the better.

Mark my words....executive pay will become come front and center as an issue that drives much of the new direction if it is so deemed. Get ready to share the wealth you greedy CEOs.

Fantasy thought....
Perhaps there will be legislation discussed and ratified by the new regime that allows the US government to default on all of the federal reserve loans it has taken out to finance the Iraq war. Wouldn't that be a poetic justice...The US government using its power to leave the fed bankers holding the bag on the wasted war....teehee. I know far fetched, but knowing my tax dollars will only go to pay interest on the debt GWB has racked up for the rest of my natural life seems a bit disconcerting.

Friday, November 03, 2006

The HR mentality...

The Human Resources mentality is by far the most egregious and detrimental to individual talent and the expression of ideas within an organization.

It starts to creep ino the mind of the average worker who does not develop any of their passions or talents. In order to make a living, they move this way towards organizing people or talent in order to move up the ladder and solve problems.

Once they adopt this mentality, they begin to view others as a mere means to and end. This happens at all levels of human organization. Government, Corporations, Educational institutions and especially the Military.

Once seasoned in this skill of HR thinking, the dullard's responsibility is to put together teams of specialists to develop a product, invade a nation, promote a philosophy or promote a particular politial view. They don't have any particular skill or talent, but happen to be in the right place at the right time to take the bait. Once they do, they are now in charge of judging others performance, even if they are not qualified to do so.

Taking the bait means selling out. Selling out means they are now on the other side of the fence and are willing to do the bidding of abstract entities that can destroy individual lives. They fire, they terminate, they let-go, they topple, they close down, they down size, they eliminate, they trim the fat and they do it all in the name of the large beast that pays their pitence of a salary that they so dearly prize.

Having the HR mentality means not having any of your own ideas anymore, and employing the ideas of others who have avoided the mistake of choosing the wrong path. Beacuse they employ the ideas of others, they willfully become pawns to those with perceived power over them. In becoming pawns, they carry out wasteful schemes in the name of perserving their own position because they soon realize they have nothing to offer, but thier enforcement skills of others ideas. careful of the HR mentality. Learn how to recognize it and avoid it at all costs. In doing so you will maintian your self respect and be genuinely happy in life.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

No more skull and bones guys!

I think it is fairly obvious now that these skull and bones guys are at the root of the United States problems.

I wanted to really respect Kerry and I still do, but it is clear that both he and bush have been programmed from a very young age to carry out an imperialist agenda for the US. The Manchurian Candidate came to mind this week and I cannot ignore its fictional truth and supposition.

The media gaf that Kerry comitted this week and subsequent cancellations of further appearances indicates that he is indeed not up to the challenge for leading the US forward to a clearer and better place in the world.

There is a malaise that hangs around New Haven, Connecticut (Yale University) that breeds fear, paranoia and imperialistic tendencies in the people that live there and go there to become educated. Not to knock Yale's noteriety for being outwardly liberal, but this character that prevails is the result of an opposition philosophy that is the missing link between the radical right and radical left in the US. In other words, Yale is where both radically right and left brains come together to plan the fate of the civilized world.

So...I guess this means another four more years of the Clintons in 2008....

There is a new dynasty on the rise in the US and in the out!