The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Friday, May 19, 2006

The safe harbour of a big brand client

As everyone in the consulting world knows, having a big brand client as a cash cow is definite security for your business.

They demand a lot in return for thier budget dollars that go into your firm. Setting the bar higher from a professional, design, innovation, intelligence or efficiency perspective is your responsibility as a consulting firm or individual. Sometimes the pressure is on, I mean really on!

The most fun and satisfying work to be had however is in the small startup or unknown branded company that does not have what I call "media neurosis" which is when large brands suffering from such ailment, have extended themselves so far into the propaganda world that they become victims of thier own image, thus unable to change to meet the new markets direction or keep pace with what is shaping the trends of the immediate future.

So when you feel yourself being sheltered from the storms of the globalised economy where there basically are no rules it seems, cast off your lines and get out there to see what is going on. Your BBC (big brand client) will appreciate you getting out there and taking a few rounds in the ass to benifit their existence as a giant.

Additionally, you will be able to actually create something new after such emperical research is completed, rather than regurgitating what you learned at the conference in NYC or Las Vegas last month. Creating your own trends or innovations for your small as well as larger clients is why you went off the radar and chose to plunge into the black hole of consulting....right?

Its a larger risk I know...but the rewards are equally as large.


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