The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Chinese Consulate

So I was down at the Chinese consulate bright and early this morning to apply for my visa to visit Shanghai. I was talking to a woman who was standing in line for her brother who lives in Seattle. Evidently because there are only 5 offices in the US, you can have someone act on your behalf to process your application. I am fortunate that it is just down the street from me.

The line extended out the door and down the street indicating a rise in demand for entry visas into China. Although the majority of people standing in line were probably Chinese, many faces were of other ethinicities including mine. Demand for entry is up!

I tried for the 2 year $150 multiple entry visa, but was shut down and reduced to just a one year application due to not owning a business in China....yet.

We'll see if my plans to visit check out with the athorities. I was surprised to learn that I can pick up my visa in only 4 days.


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