The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Cal's offshore oil issues - part II

So I was in Huntington Beach over the weekend to buy a surfboard.

I was amazed to walk the streets of this mecca for surfing. Incuding the blight on the landscape provided in the above photo, just a block away from the main drag were small oil derreks pumping away right next to residential homes and near the modern retail establishments such as Starbucks, The Long Board restaurant and Diane's bikini shop.

All of this modern resort style living on the Pacific Ocean sharing the same realestate as Chevron, Exxon and others. I am sure no doubt that these smaller residential oil pumping stations are privately owned bt the citizenry of HB who in tern sell their precious black gold at market rates to the big oil companies.

I had to wonder the cancerous effects of having oil extraction and transportation so close to where the locals and so many touristas get their morning cup of coffee.

In driving around this southbay area of LA including; Newport Beach, Laguna and Costa Mesa there is tremendous wealth as indicated by the plethora of marinas housing beautiful works of naval architiecture. My guess is most of this wealth is closely tied to the oil industry.

Need to dig deeper and get more facts....


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