The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The US continues its hardline

Of concern is the new shakeup within the CIA.

Ever since its conception, the CIA has had a civilian at the helm directing the intelligence or lack there of for the citizens of the US. Now we are considering a military general for the position. RED FLAG!!!

In order to carry out its foreign policy directives now, the current administration is needing military might within its own government to combat the forces of civility and diplomacy that are in place. This is extremely discouraging as a US citizen.

As I continue to develop my career as a professional, I am continually dismayed at the hurdles I will have to surmount overseas as a foreign businessman due to my governments insistence on using force instead of reason and diplomacy to solve problems and continue the good work of the US.

It is bad enough that my options are limited these days in the US due to globalization, and now I have to conduct business and build relationships with the additional task of defending where I am coming from and what I bring to the table.

Brace yourselves America. The world is watching as we become what we have for so long fought against! Tyranny and fascism.

Take a closer look...


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