The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The fear of never wanting again...Hunting the opposite sex.

In considering marriage as I do from time to time, I've thought a lot about the joys of the hunt. The first dates, the surprising discoveries, the mutual interests, the points of disagreement, the love and the love making.

When persuing a woman, it is always enjoayable for me, those first moments or dates that you both find out there is a spark of interest and then both agree to persue it further to light a fire.

In my past, inevitably I have moved on to hunt again due to my inability to "kill" my prey or "propose marriage", as the hunting analogy would go. One reality that I find in todays modern era is that the "prey" or females have gone to school on us men and have graduated from the hunting lodge themselves. Nowadays our manly tactics of hunting have been turned against us by some women only to produce a whole new generation of Femme Fatales, PMPs (Precious Metal Prospectors) or Hoochie Mommas to borrow from popular lexiconal usage.

These women enjoy the hunt just as much as men did and still do today. Perhpas I have just shed some of my naivete, and these women have been around forever. I contend however that the hunting landscape has indeed changed and is much more level and filled with emasculation mine fields.

So be careful when out on the plains, or in the urban jungle, or diving for clams gents, the prey you seek to kill is willing to bite back with cunning and ferocity, and in some cases will eat you alive and then move on themselves.

If you do find someone with whom you can drop all of your defenses with, and continue to explore eachother without offense, ridicule, cliches, sterotyping and other banalities, then put the elephant gun away, and lay down in the grass together only to sip wine and exchange stories from childhood.

If you do, I contend that it is always possible to go from hunter to King of the land with your new muse.


  • At Sun May 14, 12:18:00 PM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At Fri Jun 09, 06:23:00 AM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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