The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Coming down to earth in SF

So I received a moving violation a few weeks ago while driving in San Francisco.

After calling the Traffic division at SFPD and heard the ungodly fine they wanted me to pay, I decided to go down and fight city hall. More specifically, officer badge number 438. This guy was a real prick after I asked him exactly what was the best way to utilize the freeway entrance ramp out of the Hayes Valley neigborhood. I was cited for not heading the poorly signposted rule of only turing right in order to exit the city onto highway 101.

I am building my case on 3 tennents. One, the intersection that I received my citation is poorly designed and implemeted. Two, the sign posts instructing drivers of the rules are confusing and do not clearly communicate the law as it is stated. Three, when I asked the arresting officer 438 what was the best way to enter the freeway, I got a bunch of mumbo jumbo BS.

It is rumoured that SF cops are on the take in SF and get fat overtime paychecks for not doing a whole hell of a lot. The vibe I got from this officer merits further investigation into this cities image problem with its police force.

So...I've got my court date in 2 months giving me ample time to build a case to present infront of the traffic judge. We'll see what transpires...


  • At Wed Nov 07, 01:30:00 PM 2007, Blogger thorsen1nk said…

    This jerk gave me a ticket this morning for the same sort of thing--he waited in a poorly signed intersection and then nearly ran me off the road on his motorcyle (I was on a bike)


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