The California Office

Empirical opinion, intuitive viewpoints and the world we live the savvysymbiont

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Why California???

So I've lived in this rather peculiar state of California for some time now....

This introductory greeting is for those new to my blog. I've posted it with the date December 31st, in order to keep it at the very top of my blog entries for new readers. For those of you who are regular readers, contributors, lurkers, and voyeurs continue on down past this entry for the most recent views, opinion and occasional comments....

We are a republic here in California. That fact did not mean anything to me when I arrived many years ago. But, to know that we are a self sustaining tribe out here on the west coast explains a lot when you wonder why California is so unique. You want almonds....just drive to the central valley. Need a small countries infrastructure modernized or built from scratch, just give Bechtel in San Francisco a call. Need some ballistic missiles to go with that new country, email Northrop Grumman or Hughes down in Los Angeles. Need some internet technologies that will vault your business into the next millennium, head over to Silicon valley and have a lunch on University Avenue in Palo Alto. Oil? Need oil, we got that too. Gobs of it. We can prospect for it, drill for it, transfer it, refine it and turn it into a bazillion other products with our refining capacity.

All those wonks back east are all following their tails around in circles. I feel for them as they are unable to really know what it means to exercise 100% of American freedom on a day to day basis. Here in California we push the envelope on freedom each day. Its hard to describe, but it sure feels nice.

I've lived and traveled the world over, lived in many of the United States and have visited all 50 states except Mississippi, Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii and the Carolinas. So I know how special California is. From golfing in Indio, racing across the Mojave desert at 130 mph, surfing in LA, the design community in the Silicon Valley to the San Francisco Ballet, scuba diving in Monterey, wine and spas in Napa, snowboarding in Tahoe, fishing on the Klamath River in Eureka, panning for gold in Sonora or climbing Mt. Shasta we got it all. Oh! and don't for get the fabulous food.

Having it all shapes our politics and our views. We are different, we are crazy and we are more sane than the rest of the world out here in California. So bookmark my blog...and let me know from time to time if your infuriated, jealous, curious, disgusted, intrigued or elated to know more about my views and opinion from the state of California...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Revealing yourself

I've recently shared some of my life's details to a very close personal friend of mine. It was necessary to do so as is the case with most relationships that are close and involve a lot of intimacy.

The relationship began on an open platform with 100% honesty and includes refreshing dialogue and wonderful intellectual exchanges. We even share emotions of happiness as well as frustration and sorrow. I am comfortable even sharing crisis and even bad news, so I know that this person is indeed someone I needed to know more of, as there are few that I know that are capable of this kind of trust.

One of the things that is most difficult for adults to do is to be frank and honest about their lives and what is going on in them. One of the reasons this is so difficult for many is that merely finding the right words to articulate what is happening with objectivity and detail is sometimes just too odd or embarrassing or revealing too much. So we as adults hold back and utilize discretion in our relationships in order to maintain them....or so we think.

Being honest and truthful about what is going on in the world seems to be in short supply these days. So when you do come out and reveal detailed truth about a subject on yourself it can be and fraught with anxiety. Some truth has the ability to change the way a relationship is progressing. It can stop it short, depending on how insecure the parties involved are.

It is especially scary to share yourself with someone who uses a different cultural measurement method than you do. Even more difficult if there are language interpretation issues as well. How your information is perceived is always filled with the risk of misunderstanding. It is best just to get it out however, and let the chips fall as they may. This way you are being honest and the other person is given the truth which is one of the higher forms of relationship success I think. No sugar coating involved.

There is risk in revealing yourself and sharing the details of your life. People can be repelled and not want to believe what you might be telling them. Given time however, the truth has a chance to sink in and settle. It is these moments that shape the future of any relationship.

Being honest takes a lot of courage on both sides of the conversation. One side needs to be able to deliver truth eloquently and succinctly and the other's responsibility is just as difficult in receiving such truth. The reason it is difficult is that things change as a result of the new sharing of information.

Then the question remains....can you now move forward with this new added truth? It is always a mystery, and should be treated on a case by case basis I think.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Political Rant #5

Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Perle...

Who are these guys?

Paul Wolfowitz most notably was Deputy Secretary of Defence for the current Bush administration and architect of Bush's foreign policy and the war in Iraq. He also served as Director of Policy Planning in the Defense Department during the 1970s during the Carter Administration. Has a Chicago school view of the world that includes and promotes neoconservative values. He currently is now serving at the world bank and maintains a Arab mistress after leaving his wife after 30+ years of marriage.

Donald Rumsfeld is now former Defense Secretary that served the Bush Administration. He also served as Secretary of Defense under President Gerald Ford where he implemented foreign policy issues that included selling arms to Iraq and giving Saddam Hussein military power. Born in Chicago, Illinois and educated at Princeton in New Jersey.

George W. Bush is the current sitting US President. Before serving the United States was governor of the state of Texas. Held a series of executive positions in the private sector for a failed energy firm and professional baseball team. His father served as President of the United States. Educated at both Yale and Harvard Universities.

Dick Cheney is currently the Vice President of the United States. Held positions of chief of staff for Gerald Ford and Defense Secretary under George H.W. Bush. Began his education at Yale but left after a poor academic performance to return to the University of Wyoming where he earned bachelors and masters degrees. Past CEO of Haliburton and current share holder.

Richard Perle was Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee Chairman serving under George W Bush. Served as Secretary of Defense during the Regan Administration. Born in New York City and educated at the University of Southern California, London School of Economics and Princeton.

So...what can we learn from these guys? It is clear that all of them were given a chance to seek personal revenge using the United States Government and its military power. All were given the opportunity to serve in the US government during their careers and were allowed to seek revenge for their short comings that they developed early in their careers later on in their lives.

It is this precise reason of vengeance that the US government has checks and balances for its awesome power it has been given and developed. The framers of the constitution were very wise in their design of the United States Government. They knew that creating a system of government that was based on constantly introducing new ideas, new minds and new approaches to government that it would lead the way to an enlightened world.

It is a colossal error and an egregious abuse of power that we the US citizens have allowed to transpire. All of these men were given the chance to serve their government once. By means of circumventing the rules of government they were able to high jack the US government again later in their careers to carry out a Neo-conservative agenda that served to right the wrongs that they had created for themselves earlier in their careers. Effectively giving them the power to exercise their vengeance to cover their mistakes made previously in their careers.

You should only get one chance to exercise the power of the US government and be given the opportunity to make world a better place. Anything more is obviously an opportunity to seek revenge.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Shark Attack!

The waters off of Marin Country have spoken!

Each year it seems there is a report of a surfer getting the bite from a migrating Great White Shark.

Those waters are indeed rough up near Guerneville. This guy got it on his ass this year. If it were not for his board I am sure it could have been much worse.

Surfer safety seems to always need improving. Perhaps a marine life radar can be designed to give early warning of approaching danger....hmmmm?